Urban Orchard In Galveston County

Winners of the 2023 Galveston County Pecan Show. Click here to learn more!

Featured Publications

Ambrosia From Your Backyard: Growing Citrus On the Upper Gulf Coast of Texas – a brochure featuring citrus and fruit tree varieties appropriate for use in Galveston and surrounding counties. Developed with Galveston County Master Gardeners, the document is available for download, including old time favorites and new varieties, as well planting and care tips for your budding home orchard.

Citrus, Fruit and Nut Fact Sheets – for more Texas A&M AgriLife Extension publications on citrus, fruit and nut trees, click here.

Chill hours (CH)

Chilling requirement calculated from cumulative cool weather events (between 32 to 45-degrees) that initiate bloom for fruit-bearing trees. Annual chill hours for Galveston County can range from 150 to 400 hours.

You can calculate current and last year’s cumulative chill hours from AgriLife Extension’s TexasET Network: https://texaset.tamu.edu. When on the main webpage upper right-hand corner, select ‘Current stations’ for Dickinson or Houston. The page will forward, choose the text box ‘Chill Units’ to find chill hours from the previous season.

Last season chill hours accumulated 10/01/21 – 2/28/2023:

Dickinson  = 271 CH and Houston (Sims Bayou Treatment Plant) = 399 CH

Weather Station

Want to know what the weather is like at this moment in our garden? Click here and learn more to check on the weather at the Discovery Garden, 4102 Main Street, La Marque

National Weather Service: https://www.weather.gov/ (National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration). Keep up to date with current and historic weather events

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