4-H Leadership

Are you a leader? If you positively influence and help others for a shared goal, you are a leader! Leaders aren’t just elected to an office or position. You can also be a member of committees, small groups and teams. You can develop your individual leadership skills by learning more about yourself and how you work with others. In the 4-H leadership project, you will learn leadership principles, help plan 4-H programs, and recruit new members.

Leadership Contests/Opportunities

Leaders 4 Life

  • This contest allows 4-H youth to demonstrate their knowledge of Parliamentary Procedure.
  • Opportunities to Compete: D9 Roundup, Texas 4-H Roundup

GLOBE(Global Leadership Opportunities Beyond Education)

  • This a multi-faceted program for youth in grades 7-11 to develop an understanding of poverty and what it looks like in various communities, explore culture, learn about sustainable agricultural practices, build upon personal leadership skills and to take action, addressing issues within the community. There are three separate educational programs beginning with a Global Village simulation at the 4-H Center in Brownwood, providing youth the opportunity to experience poverty, limited resources and life in a developing country, without actually traveling abroad. The second program is in Waco at Heritage Homestead where youth participate in hands-on workshops and demonstrations of sustainable agricultural practices. Youth share their knowledge and strengthen personal leadership skills by presenting two GLOBE programs and providing leadership for a service-learning project in their community. Three online webinars are held to prepare youth for the final educational program, a week-long immersive experience in Costa Rica to continue learning about culture, poverty, sustainable agriculture and nature-based tourism.
  • Appliacations are available in September

Texas 4-H Council

The Texas 4-H Council is a team of 4-H members elected by their peers from across the state of Texas representing the twelve AgriLife Extension districts plus an additional six At-Large Delegates, elected by any Senior level 4-H member across the state. The Texas 4-H Council members serve as ambassadors for the Texas 4-H program. Members represent the organization statewide while collaborating with Extension faculty to plan, coordinate, and facilitate activities and events.

Applications are open February-March every year

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