Wanting to show turkeys at San Antonio, Houston, or Austin? Submit the completed order form below with payment to the Extension Office by August 9 at 5pm.
- Orders are placed in increments of 25. A minimum order per exhibitor or family unit is 25 poults, and up to a maximum of 75 poults.
- Birds for this show will be straight-run commercial type birds (toms and hens randomly mixed). These are U.S. Pullorum-Typhoid (PT) clean birds. They should be raised away from other farm fowl, especially older birds.
- The order form will serve as your official Pullorum-Typhoid-03 papers; you will not be required to submit any other health papers on these birds at SASSR, HLSR, or RA.
- Each exhibitor’s order will be identified by a series of numbered wing bands. Birds are assigned to exhibitors by these numbers.
- Turkeys losing their wing bands, for whatever reason, will not be allowed to enter the show. Turkeys with wing bands that show evidence of tampering will be sifted, and the decision of the show official is final.
- The HLSR, SASSR and RA are terminal shows. All birds entering the show grounds will become the property of the shows and may not be removed from the show grounds.
- The pick-up date for turkeys is estimated to be in the first 2 weeks of November, so exhibitors should be prepared to receive birds at that time.
This is NOT for participation in the Galveston County Fair.